The water quality at Wall Lake is tested several times a year by two organizations.
1. Professional Lake Management (PLM). PLM tests our water in the spring and late summer.
2. Alan Freid, former GWLA President, and current board member, performs various water quality testing throughout the year and coordinates data gathering using MiCorps' Cooperative Lake Monitoring protocols and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
The MiCorps' data goes into a database that allows us to track results over time and compare Wall Lake to other lakes.
Alan's work is extremely valuable and the results of his testing can be found by clicking the button below. This links to the MiCorps' database of participating Michigan lakes. It is organized by county. To find Wall Lake simply select Barry County and select Wall Lake.
Water quality testing training, for lake volunteers, is obtained at the Michigan Lake Stewardship Associations annual conference.
Currently, volunteers who have earned this training include Alan Freid, Sue Trudeau, and Jim Lockwood.
At this time Alan is able to perform volunteer water quality testing and he is not seeking assistance from additional volunteers.
If anyone wishes to be considered for future volunteer water quality testing, please e-mail ( or contact any board member to learn more about how to obtain proper training and help with water quality testing.
The photographs below show GWLA Board members obtaining MiCorps' water quality testing training at the 2015 Michigan Lake Stewardship Associations annual meeting.