Pierce Cedar Creek Institute 6-29-17
The Pierce Cedar Creek Institute is one of West Michigan's jewels. Bill and Jessie Pierce founded this marvelous 740 acre environmental and nature center, which opened in 1998. Its mission is to inspire appreciation and stewardship of our environment. The Pierce Institute is located just a few miles northeast of Wall Lake on Cloverdale Road.
Members of the GWLA board attend environmental education classes at the Pierce Institute.
The Greater Wall Lake Association encourages membership and support of this very special organization.
We consider the Pierce Institute a partner organization because we share many values. And we both depend on, and are very fortunate to receive, financial support from your generous donations.
Thank you for your support!
On June 29, 2017 three GWLA board members attended a Pierce Institute fundraising event. Following are photographs from this event.
By the way, Megan Dooley from Kalamazoo gave a delightful folk music performance. You can learn more about her at www.megandooleymusic.com

A thorn between two roses!