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Lake Level Fall 2018

Wall Lake continues to have excess water levels throughout 2018. 


Jim Dull, Barry County Drain Commissioner, has examined Wall Lake and its drain, understands that excess water levels exist in Wall Lake, has seen the shoreline erosion at Wall Lake, and is working to improve the flow of excess water out of Wall Lake.


The past decade has brought above average precipitation, and many southwest Michigan lakes, including Wall Lake, have suffered from elevated lake levels.  Wall Lake ie experiencing shoreline erosion, for example, and other lakes have similar or worse problems, including water flooding into homes. 


The below photograph was taken at the dam on October 6, 2018 and shows GWLA Board member Richard Fluke measuring the depth of water flowing over the dam spillway.


The below two photographs were taken at the dam on September 3, 2018 and show what appears to be water in the canal at the same level of the dam spillway.  But this was not representative of overall lake level as inspection of the canal revealed debris blocking the flow of water in the canal.  Note the lovely native Common Duckweed covering the water in the canal.

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The below three photographs, taken on September 3, 2018, show water flowing over the dam immediately after clearing debris from the canal.  In decades past the canal was sometimes dry for part of the summer.  This is no longer the case.  The regional above average precipitation and ground saturation has brought excess water to Wall Lake.  Problems with the Wall Lake drain and Shallow Lake drainage have prevented excess water from leaving Wall Lake.  The Drain Commissioner understands the problems Wall Lake is experiencing and is working on a strategy to remove excess water from Wall Lake.  

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The below four photographs were taken at the dam on October 6, 2018 and show continued excess water flowing over the dam, and higher than normal water levels in the canal.

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